Author: admin

  • 5 Powerful, Proven Social Media Tips

    The simple fact about successful online marketing in 2014 is you need to take your social media marketing to higher levels. This is true if you do search marketing or simply want to get more traffic. Here are some proven social tips to put you ahead of the rest in your niche. Social Tip #1…

  • Image Optimization Basics for SEO and Traffic

    You have to tread somewhat gently with SEO lest you over-optimize and suffer the consequences (from Google). Maybe you have ignored image optimization in the past thinking it is not worth the effort. Admittedly, it may not seem worth the time compared to other search optimization methods. But it does matter even more in 2014…

  • Proven Facebook Marketing Strategies from the Trenches

    Marketing your business on Facebook demands that you have a solid marketing plan. If you are just new to Facebook as a business tool and resource, then learn the basics. Building your business page is where it begins and discovering the tools Facebook provides for free is crucial. Facebook marketing takes patience as you learn…

  • How to Improve Your Facebook Reach

    Understanding Facebook reach and knowing how to improve it will go far with boosting your Facebook performance. Among other important metrics, boosting the number of fans who see your updates is more than possible. What is Facebook Reach all about? Facebook reach is the number of unique viewers for your content, post updates, etc. The…

  • Social Media Marketing Best Practices

    What is so frustrating about social media is you clearly know it works like gangbusters for some businesses. How is it working out for your business? Yes, of course there are common guidelines you can follow for social media campaigns. And you must determine exact approaches that are aligned with your business and goals. But…

  • Power Marketing Using Facebook Graph Search

    Have you taken the time to explore the power of Facebook Graph Search? More importantly, are you using it? One marketing tenet is to know all you can about your audience. Arming yourself with that knowledge can transform your business but only if you use it. Graph Search is all about getting to know your…

  • Facebook Marketing Test – Success Going Narrow and Demographics

    You are about to learn how one company decided to launch a campaign using only Facebook. This company promoted one of their products but in a way that we can all learn from. Yes – this is a large corporation but do not dismiss the lessons thinking you cannot do the same with success. This…

  • Creating a Loyal Audience with Engagement

    How important is a loyal audience to the health and success of your business? We’ve been focusing on Facebook, lately, and for good reason. So just assume we’re talking about your Facebook audience. One of the biggest buzzwords in Facebook business conversations is “engagement.” Yes, indeed, getting that from your audience can be a tough…

  • Making Facebook Marketing Work for You

    Maybe you’re still trying to figure out how to solve the Facebook marketing puzzle. You have plenty of company so don’t feel all alone. I know of several successful online marketers who feel the frustration. One thing I can say is Facebook is complex and it really takes serious analysis. But know this… The singular…

  • 3 Facebook Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

    Even in early 2014, you can leverage Facebook in different ways according to your business needs. Past fails are not a reliable indicator of future results. In other words, it is well worth the time to figure out what went wrong and go at it again. You simply need to be informed, organized and have…