Understanding Facebook reach and knowing how to improve it will go far with boosting your Facebook performance. Among other important metrics, boosting the number of fans who see your updates is more than possible.
What is Facebook Reach all about?

In addition to performance metrics, the different types of reach include: organic, viral, page, post, and paid. You can see how far-reaching Facebook reach is and therefore super-important to your success.
Page reach is the number of people who viewed your post content over a specific time period such as monthly or weekly. Many marketers are mainly concerned with post reach and it is important. Post reach is the number of viewers who saw a particular post in their news feed. Now, the two are obviously different but what matters is they are assigned a different weight.
If you find it all more or less confusing, then you are not alone. And you may wonder which one is more important and worth your time. In the end, you alone have to determine which one is more important.
Here are a couple of quick examples of how post and page reach can be affected.
If you post often, multiple times per day such as half a dozen, you could very well end-up with low post reach; yet end-up with high page reach. The opposite is true with page reach. Posting infrequently can result in high post reach and low page reach.
Confused yet? Ask yourself what is most important to your business.
Do you want your posts to be viewed by the greatest number of fans? This is probably more important for most Facebook marketers. A high post reach is important if you are building your brand and want to be seen on a consistent basis.
What can you do to improve and maintain Facebook reach?

Remember that engagement always translates to reach. So you naturally want to use those tactics that encourage fan and user engagement. One thing to do for better results is posting when your fans are on Facebook. What works for greater engagement?
Take your best content and re-purpose it for Facebook posts is always effective. Have you ever used curated content? If not, it’s high time you did because it is still very effective and used by the biggest (and most successful) sites. One word of caution, and it is common sense, is to use relevant curated content.
There is an abundance of information including case studies on what works on Facebook. Your task is to learn from it and put it into action in your campaigns. Yes – you must test and tailor it to your business, but all businesses that are successful on Facebook went through this process of testing.
Here is how you can “reach” out to Facebook users and grow your fan base, reach, and more…
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