Email Marketing – 3 Profit Killers & What You Can Do Today

There is always room for higher conversions, more sales and profits in email marketing. It is like many things in life and business because it’s a constant work in progress. One complicating aspect is the number of things that can go wrong. Or, as is often the case, it’s a matter of degree. Some parts of your emails don’t fire on all cylinders. Conversions and open rates are low and something needs to be done.

Here’s a good start…

1. Establish clear and easily understood expectations right from the beginning. At some point in the opt-in process, tell your potential customer what to expect from your email marketing. That means being upfront about the kind of content that person will receive.

Hopefully you will send them useful and unique tips, tutorials or whatever it is you have in mind. There are palatable ways to communicate that you’ll be sending them offers. How about mentioning the occasional, helpful tool or special report to make their lives better?

Once you do that, you must never change course because people have a way of remembering certain things. If you get over-zealous about banking profits and the occasional promotion becomes frequent – guaranteed, it will be noticed.

And that’s a sure-fire way to alienate your readers.

2. People are creatures of habit and it has a lot to do with maintaining feelings of security. In many ways this concerns psychological security; the feeling that everything is all right with the world. We all want, and need, consistency in our daily lives.

What does this have to do with email marketing?

Have you ever read an email subject line, then the email and did not quite see the connection between the two? Or maybe the connection was not immediately clear?

Annoying as all heck, isn’t it?

It makes you feel uneasy; maybe even like you were tricked. And for some people, they have to resolve it – fast. It’s the same kind of feeling you get when something in a movie is not resolved even at the end.

People hate it.

The solution is simple…

Maintain consistency between the email subject line and the body copy. It’s simple yet this cardinal violation still occurs in my email inbox almost on a daily basis.

3. Learn about writing email copy and email marketing as often and as much as possible. You will not use everything you learn all the time. Some strategies and techniques have specific applications. And…

You should not try to use everything all the time. Just like an experienced copywriter never uses all the tools in the bag on every copy gig.

There are so many good email copy writers to learn from. They do things differently even if following the same principles. It’s their unique interpretation, very much like your approach is spiced-up and flavored by your interpretation and personality.

The great thing is your emails will take on a new depth and breadth of expression. In time, you’ll connect much better and stronger with your readers.


If you are not doing list building or email marketing yet, why not?  The money REALLY is in the list.  If you want step by step training from a 6-figure marketer, check out my

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